Monday, February 18, 2013

5 Tips to Becoming an Effective Leader

As a leader, you have more responsibility to be able to complete a task. In order to get your job done well and efficiently, you should be able to become effective leaders and inspire members of the group.

5 Tips to Becoming an Effective Leader

Know yourself and be open to development
Learning to be a successful leader must be started by getting to know yourself. According to John C. Maxwell in the book The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow, a leader must be able to identify what are the advantages and disadvantages. Not only that, they also have to be open to methods and new ideas from the team.

Build goals and committed
When the role of being a leader, you must determine what goals they want to achieve and what steps you want to get there. You must have the ability to explain the idea to the group, but that does not mean you do it yourself. Let them give input if only useful for the achievement of that goal.

Get to know the team and establish friendships
Make your team as your friend, give them motivation, and identify each person on your team. For achieving that, you should be ready to provide advice and support. Leaders also have a responsibility to be able to create a fun, energetic, and beneficial to the group.

Communication, talk, and listen
Ensure that communication is two-way. It may seem simple, but there are still many leaders who do not do both of those with effective communication. You not only have to be able to speak well to the group, but you also have to be able to listen to opinions and the opinions of group members. Occasionally asked about their progress and if anyone can help is also a form of communication that enables the achievement of goals.

Evaluation and appreciation
See the progress that has been achieved every day, every week, every month until. Evaluate what they have done, what parts are lacking and which part has been resolved. Do not forget to always give the award to members of a group that works well. This is one way to motivate the group.

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